Friday, April 25, 2014

A04 Process: Image Sampler on Grasshopper

I've been playing around with attractor points and the image sampler on Grasshopper and have come up with some cool ideas for Assignment 4. I started off with the image sampler, and just mimicked what we did in class. Then I extruded the circles, making it more three dimensional. After I figured that out, I wanted to achieve a similar effect with attractor points- altering the height of the now cylinders depending on the distance from a point. It took a little while but I achieved the effect I wanted and even added a second point of reference.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Grasshopper Paneling Exercise: Part 2

This is the second part of the Grasshopper exploration. Similar to the last board, the geometries placed on the surface are manipulated through rotations and scaling. The second matrix shows attractor points. The size of the circles are determined by their distance from the point.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Grasshopper Paneling Exercise: Part 1

For this exercise I created 2 surfaces and 2 forms to go along with each surface. Using Grasshopper in Rhino, I created a box on/around the surface. This box acts as a grid on each surface. The form was placed inside each square of the grid. By manipulating the parameters of the grid, the form morphed accordingly. On this board are a few iterations of the surfaces.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Grasshopper Paneling Process

For the first surface, I wanted to keep it simple. Using Grasshopper, I made a panel of pyramids on a lofted surface. The next step would be to alter the system in different ways and render them. Before I changed any parameters, I tried to render but had some difficulty. I thought it was the computer but I'm having the same issue on a different computer. For now, I'll continue working and then come back to the rendering.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Diagram of Polymorphism

After reading the article Polymorphosis, we were asked to reread the first page and diagram what we felt were important points.

Grasshopper Exercise

We were recently introduced to the Grasshopper plugin on Rhino. I just made a few 2 dimensional shapes and planes and then experimented a little with other 3 dimensional forms.