This is my final board for A04. This is not the original board I printed out for the review. I wanted to make some changes before I posted it on the blog. After pinning up my original board and looking at what I had for my portfolio, I realized that I like white space. A lot. So I tried to maximize the space that I had on the board and use it to the fullest. I also took some of the critics advice about the sizes of my images. I know my Grasshopper script is a little fuzzy around the edges but the big white box around it looked worse. I've finished up my portfolio for this class as well and can see how far I have grown since the beginning of the semester.
Jessica Kent_ARCH470
Monday, May 19, 2014
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
A04 Process cont.
This is a snapshot of where I am now. I was able to kind of fix my previous issue with the conflicting extruded circles and squares.
Now that I have the same form (circle/cylinder), they are still of different heights and widths. But I'm still getting closer to the effect that I want.
This is just what the script looks like before baking, with the curve of reference.
And this is the actual script.
Friday, May 2, 2014
A04 Process
This is the continuation of my process from what I've done earlier (in previous post). My idea for the skin of the building is to mimic the original facade and morph into something more abstract, then into an opening to the museum. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.
Here is what I've done previously but in context, on the actual building.
From a Grasshopper tutorial site, I found how to make forms attract and repel in reference to a line. I thought this could help me achieve my idea. So I added this new script to my existing script, along with a line for reference.
Here's a rendering of that on the building. It didn't work exactly how I wanted it to. In my original script I used circles and extruded them. In the new script it makes extruded squares or rectangular prisms. I tried to take out the circles and add squares to the old part of the script and vice versa to the new part. I wasn't successful. I really want this to work, so I'l work on it some more, and hopefully have figure it out by next week. Below are just some more images of the rendering of them both.
**Also, I used the image sampler on Grasshopper and wanted to use a picture of the actual facade of the existing building but it didn't look as cool as the one I used earlier. So I think I'm gonna stick with that one.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Portfolio Progess/Draft
Here's two spreads of my portfolio. I just used a template for this, but I am going to personalize it a bit more. However, I do like the plain, clean look of it now.
Friday, April 25, 2014
A04 Process: Image Sampler on Grasshopper
I've been playing around with attractor points and the image sampler on Grasshopper and have come up with some cool ideas for Assignment 4. I started off with the image sampler, and just mimicked what we did in class. Then I extruded the circles, making it more three dimensional. After I figured that out, I wanted to achieve a similar effect with attractor points- altering the height of the now cylinders depending on the distance from a point. It took a little while but I achieved the effect I wanted and even added a second point of reference.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Grasshopper Paneling Exercise: Part 2
This is the second part of the Grasshopper exploration. Similar to the last board, the geometries placed on the surface are manipulated through rotations and scaling. The second matrix shows attractor points. The size of the circles are determined by their distance from the point.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Grasshopper Paneling Exercise: Part 1
For this exercise I created 2 surfaces and 2 forms to go along with each surface. Using Grasshopper in Rhino, I created a box on/around the surface. This box acts as a grid on each surface. The form was placed inside each square of the grid. By manipulating the parameters of the grid, the form morphed accordingly. On this board are a few iterations of the surfaces.
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