Friday, May 2, 2014

A04 Process

This is the continuation of my process from what I've done earlier (in previous post). My idea for the skin of the building is to mimic the original facade and morph into something more abstract, then into an opening to the museum. I'm trying to figure out how to do this. 

Here is what I've done previously but in context, on the actual building.

From a Grasshopper tutorial site, I found how to make forms attract and repel in reference to a line. I thought this could help me achieve my idea. So I added this new script to my existing script, along with a line for reference. 

Here's a rendering of that on the building. It didn't work exactly how I wanted it to. In my original script I used circles and extruded them. In the new script it makes extruded squares or rectangular prisms. I tried to take out the circles and add squares to the old part of the script and vice versa to the new part. I wasn't successful. I really want this to work, so I'l work on it some more, and hopefully have figure it out by next week. Below are just some more images of the rendering of them both. 

**Also, I used the image sampler on Grasshopper and wanted to use a picture of the actual facade of the existing building but it didn't look as cool as the one I used earlier. So I think I'm gonna stick with that one. 

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